ADDRESS: Northland Research Corporation 11811 Shaker Blvd., #414 Cleveland, Ohio 44120 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (216) 707-1300 FAX NUMBER: 866-370-2308 E-MAIL: |
ServicesReal Estate Appraising
The valuation of commercial, industrial and special use properties for mortgage, tax , condemnation, easement, insurance, partition, tax credit and other purposes. Market Analysis The identification and study of the market for a particular type of economic good or service. It can be used to estimate the demand for and supply of a property type in a specific neighborhood, city, region or other market areas. It can also be used to analyze the market for a proposed real estate project at a particular location. Feasibility Analysis Studies Studies the cost-benefit relationship of an economic endeavor. It determines whether a project will fulfill the objectives of the investor. A specific project’s profitability is analyzed in terms of the criteria of a specific market or investor. In addition to typical market factors, this analysis also considers financing and tax considerations since the after-tax return in the investment is often the driving force in attracting equity capital. Marketability Studies A process that investigates how a specific property type will be absorbed, sold, or leased under current or anticipated market conditions. It focuses on a singular type of property in the attempt to maximize the property’s competitive position in the market. Marketability Studies are useful in determining a specific highest and best use, testing development proposals, and projecting an appropriate tenant mix. Northland Research Corporation is also capable of providing Economic Impact Studies, Neighborhood Redevelopment Studies, and related studies pertaining to real estate. |